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When will I find out if I received a graduate offer from Telstra?

Josh Perta

Talent Acquisition Delivery Consultant

Answer: You should expect to receive your offer within 48 hours after your interview with the hiring manager.

You'll be informed either way, so don't assume you won't be getting an offer just because you haven't heard back straight away.

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What others are asking...

How do I get into the Telstra graduate or internship program?
All applications for the Telstra internship and graduate program begin with an online application.
What grades do I need to get into the Telstra graduate program?
A weighted average mark (WAM) of 60 of higher.
Does Telstra accept applications from international students?
Telstra hires international students in all of their technical roles.
How do I get into the Telstra graduate or internship program?
All applications for the Telstra internship and graduate program begin with an online application.
What grades do I need to get into the Telstra graduate program?
A weighted average mark (WAM) of 60 of higher.
Does Telstra accept applications from international students?
Telstra hires international students in all of their technical roles.