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Curtin University

  • 28% international / 72% domestic

Jayabharath Palle

As I am currently in an emerging power systems course I am getting exposed to a huge variety of power systems.

My name is Bharath and I am from India. I always had a great passion and desire to know how things around me work. This burning desire to learn new thing always fueled my curiosity.

Since I came from a low socio-economic background I didn't get an opportunity to pay a mentor or some kind of instructor. So, I started to understand and learn about the things around me on my own from childhood. All the most amazing things I have come across are simple, like motors and light bulbs. These small electrical machines amazed me so much that I started doing small-time projects like hydroelectric models, dynamos for bikes, town electric distribution models etc. By that time I realised this is the area which I should see myself in the future.

As I am currently in an emerging power systems course I am getting exposed to a huge variety of power systems. This exposure made my desire to grow even more and has driven me to learn with an exceptional department, which I never imagined I would get into.

Even though academic learning is limited but not the resources provided by the university. I have started to learn different kinds of software like DIgSILENT and PowerWorld Simulator and exploit most of the resources I can get my hands on. Actually, I expected a little less than this but this tremendous exposure, which I felt was incredibly great, made me realise and learn new things. After getting to know with the current technologies I would like to contribute more research by getting a PhD after my postgrad studies.