Updating Results

Viva Energy Australia

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Bianca Zanghi

I begin to troubleshoot any issues I’ve found on the unit, and try to find the cause and how to fix it. If it’s a quiet day and there’s no pressing issues, I’ll work on any upcoming projects I have. Often during this time I may have additional meetings throughout the day.

6.30 AM

I wake up and get ready for work. 

7.15 AM

I drive into work and set myself up at my desk for the day. The start of my day requires looking over the units I’m responsible for as a part of the short term tech team. Firstly, I look over the operations logbook for the units that I’m monitoring and check my emails to see if any issues have been raised overnight. Then, I look at my units’ trend screens to see if there are any abnormalities in the trends from overnight that operators may not have picked up yet. Following that, I take a look at the live unit operations screens to see if there are any instruments in alarm, or any addition abnormalities on the units. 

7.50 AM

The first meeting of the day involves the area asset teams, where we go through any HSSE issues that have been raised overnight, as well as the highest risk task for the day in each zone of the area and if there are any additional issues that the whole area needs to be aware of.

8.00 AM

After the first meeting of the day, we break out into our individual zones with the asset team and go through any updates on short term and long term issues in more detail. 

8.30 AM

Following these initial meetings I review what is happening in the area, and prepare any information that I need to share with operations in the morning operations meeting. 

9.30 AM

At this time we have the morning operations meeting, where the short term chemical engineers in all the areas across the plant meet with the Scheduling team and operations to go through their high level actions that their operators and other areas’ operators need to know. 

10.00 AM

I begin to troubleshoot any issues I’ve found on the unit, and try to find the cause and how to fix it. If it’s a quiet day and there’s no pressing issues, I’ll work on any upcoming projects I have. Often during this time I may have additional meetings throughout the day.

12.00 PM

Normally at this time I go and have lunch outside the canteen. It always feels good to get outside after being in the office all morning. 

1.00 PM

At this time I’ll go for a field walk if I have any issues that I need to go take a look at, or if I need to go down to the field centre. If I’m troubleshooting something it’s often helpful to go for a field walk to get a good idea of what the issue looks like physically. 

3.00 PM

I’ll come back to my desk and continue to work on projects or other troubleshooting issues that may come up throughout the day. I’ll have another look over the units in a similar way to the morning monitoring, to check that everything is still running smoothly. I’ll also send out any email updates regarding problems on the unit, or assistance I need with any projects at this time. 

4.30 PM 

I leave work and head to the gym.