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  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Working Hours at Stockland

9.3 rating for Working Hours, based on 18 reviews
How flexible is your company when it comes to hours?
The company is very flexible, if you prefer to start earlier and finish earlier you can, or more of a later worker that also works. They are also flexible in terms of days you come in to the office.
Graduate, Sydney
Hub and home model-- very flexible- get to come into the office on days where we have high collaboration (team meetings etc.) and wfh on days where there's lower collaboration- however, different teams within the business may have another approach to flexibility
Graduate, Sydney
Company is quite flexible and this year has introduced a 60% average office hours (e.g., 3 days per week) but are still very open with a hybrid work model.
Graduate, Sydney
We generally spend two days in the office, one day on site, and two days at home. This works great and really helps to keep the work engaging and practical.
Graduate, Sydney
9am-5pm and very flexible
Graduate, Sydney
Employees are loosely expected to spend at least 3 days in the office on average. But if you cannot do that then there is a large amount of flexibility
Graduate, Sydney
The company is very flexible to work hours. You can work from home if you need/want to, you can start a bit later and finish later if you have an appointment in the morning, etc.
Graduate, Sydney
Very flexible in my team/division. I can come in on days filled with face to face meetings etc. But often have the flexibility to work from home on days when you need to do more focused, solo work
Graduate, Sydney
Very flexible. Since it is hybrid, we do come in two days a week. However, when we have any reason not to come, the team appreciates it and we can work from home instead.
Graduate, Sydney
My team goes into the office on Tuesday and Thursdays, and we do 9am-5pm days
Graduate, Melbourne
Very flexible. Nobody is clocking anyone in and out. It really teaches you to be accountable for your own actions.
Graduate, Sydney
Very flexible, work from home opportunities
Graduate, Sydney
I work 9am to 5:30pm. The company is very flexible with starting and finishing hours. I think as long as you complete your tasks and work the required hours, there are no issues.
Graduate, Sydney
We work off a 'Hub and Home' model. We have a base in which we work from a certain number of days per week, and then have the flexibility to work form home/other projects where necessary.
Graduate, BRISBANE
Preferred most time in the office, 1 day at home and a few days on site. Good balance and opportunity to work from home when needed.
Graduate, Brisbane
Can work from home some days and have flexibility to slightly alter working hours
Graduate, Brisbane
Very Flexible, 2 days in office generally 9-5
Graduate, Sydney