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  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Khang Hoang

6.45 AM

I hit snooze for the last time, then roll into the shower to get ready for work.

7.30 AM

As I’m getting ready, I’ll review my calendar, confirm destinations and plan out my day. I’ll usually catch up on news and keep myself up to date on market updates.

8.00 AM

Head to work, I’ll take the bus if I’m heading into Stockland head office or if I’m needed at one of our sites, I’ll drive. On the way, I listen to a podcast, I’m currently in a criminal investigation mood.

8.45 AM

When I arrive at work, the first thing I do is check my emails, I’ll sift through and create a list of things I need to do. Culling the inbox is a constant battle!

Stockland graduate Khang Hoang having morning coffee

9.00 AM

I grab a morning coffee with the team, it’s a great chance to start the day and catch up.

9.15 AM

Stockland graduate Khang Hoang in a team meeting

Team meetings. From a quick scrum around the asset team to legal reviews for upcoming leasing deals, to project meetings for capital works, a large portion of my role requires me to communicate with many of the internal teams to seek their advice.

Stockland Graduate Khang Hoang on a site visit

Or site visit. With multiple sites dotted around New South Wales, means I rack up the miles going between each one. Being on-site means I can work with the teams to help make sure the asset is well maintained, that ongoing works are completed to the high standard we expect and helps me maintain a strong relationship with tenants.

Stockland graduate Khang Hoang doing site check

Or project management. With new tenants coming on board,  we’re always updating our facilities and preparing the sites for any new requirements. With the help of the Project Team, we procure, site manage and deliver on capital works jobs.

Stockland graduate Khang Hoang catching up with tenants

Or contractor/tenant catch-ups. Being our most important external stakeholders, we meet regularly with both our contractors and tenants to make sure we’re meeting their needs. Having strong relationships can make or break a day! Meetings run through an agenda, as we identify what’s working well and what can be improved.

Or financial ddmin. Maintaining budgets, updating billings, chasing arrears, and forecasting are my primary responsibilities so keeping on top of the numbers is always on the list.

Stockland graduate Khang Hoang catching up with team

1.00 PM

Usually, I’ll have a team lunch at 1 when I’m on-site however on days I’m at head office, I’ll try to catch up with different teams.

5.30 PM

I’ll do a final check of the emails, and some quick calls wraps up the day. With flexible working it’s a great time to check some of those stubborn tasks off the list like monthly reports, long term projects and auditing of leases, bank guarantees and insurances.

6.00 PM

Shutdown the laptop and head to the bouldering gym.

6.45 PM

Climb! The ultimate stress reliever after a busy day. 

9.00 PM

A quick shower and a late dinner.

10.00 PM

I’ll scroll through social media and unwind from work before getting a good night’s rest to do it all again.