Updating Results

BP Australia

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Working Hours at BP Australia

8.7 rating for Working Hours, based on 13 reviews
How flexible is your company when it comes to hours?
bp has been EXTREMLEY understanding and flexible of my hours. I have had a significant personal situation happen this year and bp has been unwavering understandable. WFH is still accepted and encouraged where needed. Coming into the office is highly encouraged, to promote organic connections, water cooler conversations and purpose.
Graduate, Melbourne
I feel I have a great work life balance being in 8 hours a day.
Graduate, Melbourne
Company is flexible. I don't ever work from home, but if I needed to I could. People think it's weird that I don't work from home...
Graduate, Melbourne
I work 9-5 but the company is flexible. However, we are required to do 60/40 (60% in the office).
Graduate, Melbourne
My manager is flexible with hours and is accommodating to allow me to continue to play sport outside of work which I appreciate. The option to work two days from home is also a nice perk.
Graduate, Melbourne
The company is extremely Flexible when it comes to hours and work-life balance.
Graduate, Perth, WA
Quite flexible
Graduate, Sydney
I am very happy with the work-life balance at bp, particularly as a grad. I work hard within my working hours and there are times where I have to work late. But, my managers are very focused on my wellbeing and always make sure that I take the time back.
Graduate, Melbourne
I work the typical 9-5 day and it seems this is quite normal. I think we are flexible when it comes to hours as it is possible to start/leave earlier or later.
Graduate, Melbourne
Quite flexible - there is an expectation to come into the office 3 days a week but there is a very good culture of allowing people to set hours that work for them e.g. working around appointments, commitments with kids.
Graduate, Melbourne
I think the 40/60 split is a good one
Graduate, Melbourne