Updating Results

BP Australia

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Salary at BP Australia

7.9 rating for Salary, based on 13 reviews
What are your thoughts on pay and bonuses at your company?
I think the pay is good but always keen to be rewarded with the industry standard.
Graduate, Melbourne
I think the graduate salaries are too low in today's economy and are only just enough to get by when financially independent. I would say the salary is probably the biggest downside of being a graduate at BP. I am unsure if you get bonuses as a graduate.
Graduate, Melbourne
Its great. You could pay me less and I wouldn't really care. This will always beat a dead-end job.
Graduate, Melbourne
Fairly competitive in general and there is exponential growth as you progress since the bonus percentage increases. However, the pay rises only happen once per year and they can be quite close to inflation, which means, for most of the year, I am actually earning less and less.
Graduate, Melbourne
The base pay is in line with out graduate salaries that I was offered. It's great that graduates also receive a bonus, this isn't the case in most graduate roles at other businesses.
Graduate, Melbourne
Base Pay is too low for me, Bonuses and Share Schemes make it more acceptable..
Graduate, Perth, WA
I am very happy with the pay and the fact that there are bonuses available.
Graduate, Melbourne
What are your company's best or most unusual perks? For example: free tickets, free dinners, moving expenses, taxis, pension, etc.
discounts off fuel
Graduate, Melbourne
Energiser points are a good perk. Note: The company did not provide any financial assistance to me when I moved for the job.
Graduate, Melbourne
The free coffee in the office
Graduate, Melbourne
25% off petrol at BP sites Sometimes, free tickets to industry events
Graduate, Melbourne
bp employee share match, discount on fuel, higher superannuation that required amount, work from home twice a week.
Graduate, Melbourne
25% discount on Fuel from all service stations.
Graduate, Perth, WA
Fuel card which entitles you to 25% off fuel and convenience items as bp sites.
Graduate, Melbourne
Discounted fuel and free lunches/catering
Graduate, Melbourne
Graduate, Melbourne