Updating Results

Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO)

  • #2 in Energy & utilities
  • 500 - 1,000 employees

Working Hours at Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO)

9.3 rating for Working Hours, based on 9 reviews
How flexible is your company when it comes to hours?
AEMO is very flexible when it comes to where you work, how you work and when you work. As with almost all organizations the majority work standard hours noting there are some differences because of the WA time zone. However there is a huge amount of flexibility to take a few hours off. At the moment a very large majority of AEMO is still working from home.
Graduate, Brisbane
Very flexible. We can choose the hours we work in or out of the office.
Graduate, Brisbane
Very flexible - I can organise with my managers to work any hours that suit both of us
Graduate, Adelaide
Very flexible indeed. I find surprisingly that I often work longer than I'm expecting when I'm left to manage it myself. Some teams will want you to timesheet some won't, but even for those that do it's usually only a rough estimate rather than something that will be used for billing. Timesheets do not affect your pay. There are some particular roles where timesheeting may be a bit more important when you're charging your time to externals.
Graduate, Sydney
My manager and the whole team are very flexible when it comes to when I work. If something comes up in my personal life and I have to be offline for a few hours during the day, everyone is very understanding of that.
Graduate, Sydney
My company is extremely flexible with hours. I currently work for a remote team based in multiple cities and so I only attend the office a couple of days a week. My manager is very flexible in allowing myself and other team members to change our hours to attend appointments when necessary.
Graduate, Perth
Roughly 9-5 Mon-Fri. The hours and flexibility, I'm responsible for ensuring I work enough hours in the week.
Graduate, Perth
It is flexible as an internal employee and fulfills 38 hrs of your week. Can maintain a healthy work-life balance
Graduate, Sydney

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